Projects in Senegal Country: Senegal Number of inhabitants: 18,932,000 Human development index: 169th in the world Income per capita: €99.50/month Life expectancy at birth: 69.2 years Literacy rate: 58% Ongoing projects Let’s say stop violence against children: fight against the forced begging of children Talibés Let’s say stop violence against children: inclusive education of children with disabilities Let’s say stop to excision and no to violence against girls Improvement of the living conditions of women in the province of Fatick thanks to the financing of microcredits Rural program for the creation of village plantations of fruit trees in the region of Fatick Rehabilitation of schools in the province of Fatick in Senegal Extension of “La Grande Royale” primary schools in Guinaw Rail Nord and construction of a middle school Strengthening the craft production centre for the women of Thylla, and the day-care centre Contributing to the promotion of renewable energies to improve children’s educational conditions For the development of girls through education and protection Project to develop and promote academic success in the Nyassia district, Casamance Contribute to the social and professional development of young people in the Fatick region Clean Water and Sanitation in Fimela, Senegal – Phase 2 Completed Project Construction of a kindergarten, an elementary school and a college in St. Louis Construction of a primary school and a library in Guinaw Rail, Dakar Construction of a health center in Thylla Access to drinking water and sanitation for schools and health facilities in rural communities Fight against the discrimination of albino children – Improvement of the living conditions of albino people Strengthening access to early childhood education in Mbour, Thiès region, Senegal Support to women’s empowerment Project to support protected marine areas for the mitigation and adaptation to the effects of the climatic change Emergency and post-emergency response for vulnerable populations in Senegal, Kenya and Madagascar in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic of the year 2020 Support for training and creation of a multipurpose center in Thylla Opening a community health space Guinaw Northern Rail in the Dakar region Sustainable human development of women and children Saloum Clean Water and Sanitation in Fimela, Senegal For the development of girls through education and protection in the area of Mbour Targeted emergency actions for the food security of vulnerable people in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Senegal Electrification of schools in the Thies region and improved learning conditions for children Community project to mitigate the negative effects of climate change in the Fimela area