Rural program for the creation of village plantations of fruit trees in the region of Fatick

State: In progress | Number of beneficiaries: 350 families

Project duration: 2022/2028

Place: Fatick region, Senegal

Project funded under a framework agreement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and by the Jean Kerber Foundation under the aegis of the Luxembourg Foundation

Local partner

Youth and Development (JED) / Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du Sénégal (EEDS) is a development NGO created in 1936, and established in all regions of Senegal, inspired by Scouting values, at the service of young people and the community. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of populations, mainly in the field of health, education, socio-economic integration, water and the environment, by preparing especially young people in their role as active and responsible citizens in synergy with the Scouts and Scouts of Senegal.


In the arid zones of Senegal, the phenomena of desertification are very present. The main causes are linked to climate variations:decrease in rainfall by 30% in 50 years, the current rains do not last long but are much more violent, decrease in fresh water tables and hydrological drought of the soil, absence of windbreaks…

The land is degrading and becoming difficult to cultivate. Agricultural productivity (millet, peanuts, etc.) is in constant decline. At the same time, Senegal has experienced a population explosion in recent years and an increase in unemployment. The availability of food in sufficient quality and quantity becomes impossible, which threatens family food. As a reminder, food insecurity is already 16% in the country, anemia in children is 66.3%, the prevalence of stunting is 19.2% and infant mortality is high.

This results in a high rate of precariousness among rural families with a poverty index of 57.5%. We are then witnessing phenomena of rural exodus among these families with a rate of 15%.

The adult literacy rate is close to 50% in Senegal. The country is also victim of a lack of training and professional opportunities (job offers).

This is why it is necessary to ensure the financial autonomy of families through the cultivation of fruit trees and the sale of harvested products.

The mission

Overall objective: Improvement of the living conditions of the children of farmers in the province of Fatick

Specific objective: Improve the incomes of farmers in the Fatick area and those of their families through the establishment of a tree production system


  • Improvement of farmers’ production techniques through the provision of sustainable equipment and technologies: Training of beneficiaries in fruit tree growing techniques in semi-arid climates and in irrigation techniques, drilling of wells for the most vulnerable farmers
  • Improvement of farmers’ incomes thanks to their productions: Planting of fruit trees, monitoring and replacement (if necessary) of trees, establishment of a market gardening area, training of farmers in entrepreneurship
  • Improvement of the living conditions of farmers’ families: Registration of vulnerable children in the civil registry, in school and in the CMU (universal health coverage), awareness of families on issues relating to child nutrition, registration in civil status, and staying in school, raising awareness of farmers to stop using pesticides


  • Direct: 350 families
  • Indirect: more than 1000 children