Projects in Madagascar Country: Madagascar Population: 27 691 000 Human Development Index: 199th in the world rank GDP per capita : 472€/year (39€/month) Ongoing project(s) Akany Avoko project for abandoned and/or fostered children in Madagascar Implementation of an inclusive and equitable socio-economic development programme for the most vulnerable, especially children and women Educating for successful social integration with the NGO Hardi Schooling for disadvantaged children and support for their parents Completed project(s) Support for a community center in a rural area Emergency and post-emergency response for vulnerable populations in Senegal, Kenya and Madagascar in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic of the year 2020 Education, a pillar for the future of the 150 children of Akany Avoko Ambohidratrimo (AAA) Capacity building and empowerment of rural women Emergency aid for the reception of children in danger at the Akany Avoko center following the impact of the covid-19 pandemic and cyclones in Madagascar Targeted emergency actions for the food security of vulnerable people in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Senegal