Projects in Bolivia Country : Bolivia Population : 11 673 000 Development Index : 156th in the world Per capita income : 3 177€/year (265€/month) Ongoing projects Boys, girls, teenagers and their families are agents of change in adapting to climate change Reducing the vulnerability of the Yampara population to the effects of climate change – Phase 2 Completed projects Fight against sexual trafficking in women in San Borja and La Paz Sustainable access to safe drinking water for the indigenous community of Chijchi Promotion of sustainable family farming and access to water in the semi-arid regions of the Chuquisaca Department Sustainable Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation for Rural Communities in the Municipality of Machacamarca Reducing the vulnerability to the effects of climate change of the Yampara population Resilience to climate change for children and families in rural areas of Betanzos