Establishment of appropriate care facilities for children with disabilities in remote areas of Sri Lanka

Status: Completed | Number of beneficiaries: 850 children with disabilitites

Project duration: 2017/2021, 5 years

Location: 12 remote regions of Sri Lanka

Project financed under a framework agreement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Local partner

MENCAFEP was founded in 1988 to support children with intellectual disabilities and their families in Sri Lanka. Victims of cultural beliefs related to disability, children with disabilities are very vulnerable to abandonment and stigma Through the care and education of children and education of the population, MENCAFEP helps them become members and give them back their place in society. The association has two centers of special education and therapy in Sri Lanka and several units in the least accessible areas.

The problem

Disability is a taboo in Sri Lanka. Giving birth to a disabled child is a sign of bad behavior in a past life. The children are thus hidden from the community and forgotten by all. Disability is therefore very little known in Sri Lanka. There are no statistics, trained professionals and very few facilities and adapted care.

Objectives / Activities

For Sri Lankan children and young people with special needs, the objective of the project is to improve their ability to acquire skills enabling them to be independent, through quality education and rehabilitation services.

  • Reception of children with specific needs in 9 special education centers, development of formal (reading, writing, calculation, etc.) and non-formal activities (music, art, theater, etc.), nutritional monitoring of children
  • Educator training
  • Development of a mobile clinic for isolated communities
  • Support for high-risk pregnant mothers
  • Sensitization of parents, the community, public authorities and the management of handicap tea plantations


850 children with disabilities.

BILLLULL / IBAN : LU81 0021 1689 1320 2200


Personal Info

Donation Total: 100,00€