Resilience to climate change for children and families in rural areas of Betanzos

State of progress : Completed | Number of beneficiaries : 350 children, 160 farming families, 70 students

Project duration : 2020/2022, 3 years

Place : Betanzos, department of Potosi, Bolivia

Project funded by Framework Agreement by the Grand Duchy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg

Local partnerSUMAJ PUNCHAY is a nongovernmental nonprofits organization that acts mainly in marginalized and remote areas of Bolivia. Affected by the high level of poverty in rural and urban areas of Bolivia, SUMAJ PUNCHAY was formed in 2001. “Sumaj Punchay” is a term of origin Quechua means “to better days.” The aim of the NGO is to give future generations the conditions for greater social justice, education, health, environmental and biodiversity, self-determination, equality genres, all within the framework of respect for human rights, including the right of indigenous peoples.

Photo d'une femme arrosant les plantations à Betanzos, Bolivie.


At Betanzos, over 4000 meters, the farming activities, generating income for families, depend mainly on the climate and families coping capacity is not sufficient to withstand the effects of climate change that’s increases for several years (drought, heavy rain, flooding, hail, frost …). The deterioration of agricultural production systems is accompanied by degradation and causes a decrease in food insecurity and a high productivity for families and their children.

The mission

This project proposes to prioritize adaptation needs of the most vulnerable people of Betanzos reducing inequalities between children in poverty to improve their capacity to withstand the effects of climate change. Access to water will be favored through the establishment of sustainable farming techniques to ensure a share of the rights of children and to contribute to food and nutrition security and also to ensure generating activity income from their parents by marketing their agricultural products.


  • Installation of 12 rainwater collection systems and 30 surface water catchment systems for drinking and irrigation, organization of workshops construction, use and maintenance of these systems water
  • Implementation of 114 vegetable gardens, training on improving traditional production and marketing of products, involvement of families in local markets
  • Reforestation
  • Nutrition education, hygiene and food safety
  • Raising awareness in schools about climate change, its effects and the resilience


350 children, 160 farming families, 70 students

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Donation Total: 10,00€