Boarding school in Jodhpur

Status: Completed | Number of beneficiaries: 20 girls per year

Project duration: 2017/2021, 5 years

Location: Rajasthan, Setrawa Village, Thar Desert, India

Project financed under a framework agreement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Local partner

Sambhali Trust is an Indian association fighting for the empowerment of women and girls from the most vulnerable communities of Jodhpur and Setrawa, a rural area of the Thar Desert, through education and vocational training. Sambhali’s programs provide free education in Hindi, English and mathematics, as well as sewing and embroidery classes to develop income-generating skills. The aim of this care is to strengthen the capacity of untouchable women to promote their economic and social integration into Indian society.

The problem

In Rajasthan, a patriarchal society with a strong tradition of traditional culture, girls are often perceived as a burden on the family, and as such are married very young and have little access to education. This situation is particularly prevalent in rural areas such as Setrawa, a village in the Thar desert about 100 kilometers from Jodhpur.

Objectives / Activities

The project provides for the opening of a boarding school for 20 girls aged 6 to 12 in Jodhpur, where they will be educated and can continue their primary and secondary education. The boarding school also helps to ensure better health for young girls, through access to quality care and nutrition, and to prevent early marriages. In addition to taking care of daily needs, the project is designed to ensure that girls can flourish thanks to a warm environment, tutoring courses to support them in their studies, and cultural, artistic and sports activities organized by volunteers of the association.


20 young girls from Setrawa village aged 6 to 12 and their families when the boarding school opened, then 20 additional young girls per year.

BILLLULL / IBAN : LU81 0021 1689 1320 2200

Personal Info

Donation Total: 100,00€