PADEM is a non-profit association, specified as N.G.O. and approved by the Ministry of Luxembourg. PADEM is a recognized association of general interest by the French Ministry of Economy and Finance. The accounts are audited every year “full audit” to ensure full transparency ; audited accounts are available on request.Your donation to Padem, offers to our volunteers the means to help actively people in difficulties on a daily basis. Know that your donation is tax deductible.

I make a one-time or monthly donation

1) Bank connection:

BIC : BILLLULL, IBAN : LU81 0021 1689 1320 2200

BIC : CMCIFRPP, IBAN : FR76 3008 7333 2700 0427 5560 155

2) Credit card / Paypal :

Secured payment

You can choose the amount, the destination and the frenquency (one-time or monthly) of your donation by clicking the “donate” button above

On behalf of Padem, thank you for your valuable support. You can find more information about our programs and the use of our resources in the pages devoted to projects.