2012 marked a great turning point in the life of PADEM…


PADEM has indeed celebrated its 10 years of existence.Ten years of sharing and selflessness of our teams and our partners, ten years of construction sites of houses, schools, clinics, community centers, latrines, water supply networks. Ten years of promoting education for all, protecting the vulnerable, fighting against discrimination of women and children, but also workers’ exploitation, pitched battles against corruption, theft, misery, disease, disability and poverty.


Ten years and more than a hundred projects completed or underway. Ten years and tens of thousands of beneficiaries, children, women, disabled, sick or abused, excluded from society, second-class citizens, modern slaves, deprived of future. Ten years and dozens of worshipers, young and old volunteers, more or less involved, but each in their own way giving time, money, skills and friendship in order to share, to make this world slightly less unfair. Ten years and hundreds of supporters, donors committed to our side, always faithful. Ten years and more than a dozen countries of intervention, a team constantly growing quality and commitment.


Ten years and a bright future ahead: 2012 was also the year marking the recognition of the professionalism and quality of actions PADEM: PADEM recognition by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg as a registered NGO and hence receiving facilities financing, approval obtained in France and Luxembourg to host youth civic service, but also integration in PADEM new social networks : Circle of NGOs Luxembourg, PS wATER network actors acting solidarity for access to water, Lor-South network of Lorraine development actors as well as the support of many new donors.


Padem ihas also been active in Greater Region through musical interventions in nursing homes and recording an album for the perpetuation of this original project, enhanced awareness campaigns and education for the sustainable development in Luxembourg, organization of the carnival in Longeville with a great success along the years, creation of a host cell for people with bipolar disorder and their relatives in Moselle in connection with Germany, Switzerland and the United States.


In a context of global crisis more pronounced, we particularly appreciate the constant support of our donors and our supporters, showing that, despite the difficulties, solidarity always has its place in our society. Thank you to all those who have believed and continue to believe in us, who contribute to our struggle, who accompany us, who give life to our projects and drive our fight in order to prove that it is possible to change the world.

Together we can do great things. We wish you a 2013 full of solidarity.

Magali Getrey