Improving water security for marginalized populations in Nalaikh district of Ulaanbaatar

Number of beneficiaries: 5920 citizens and 60 government officials

Project duration: 4 months / 2024

Place: Ulaanbaatar, Nalaikh District


Local partner

Since 2015, WAM (WaSH Action Mongolia) has been implementing sanitation, access to water, hygiene and waste management projects in Mongolia. The association is developing its expertise and has been recognized as one of the leading WaSH experts in Mongolia.

WAM has partnered with many organizations to disseminate and collaborate on its past experiences and technical offerings, and continues to contribute to improving the quality of life of many people in Mongolia.


Nalaikh district is located 36 km from the city of Ulaanbaatar and has 10,510 households and 39,579 inhabitants. There are 7 water distribution points, 1 school and 3 kindergartens in the area. The main landfill in the district is located 500-1000 m from the territory, which considerably pollutes the living environment of the inhabitants. This area is very close to the landfill area of ​​the district and on windy days, solid waste and waste combustion fumes blow to the residents’ living area. It is a significant source of environmental pollution. Nalaikh district has been implementing the “Mongolia Water Safety Plan” since 2018. But due to budget restrictions, they are focusing more on water source protection, water purification and reduction of water leaks.

The mission

The project plans to organize several activities to prevent contamination of drinking water at water distribution points in the project area. In doing so, we will follow the recommendations contained in the “Water Safety Plan” published by the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, during the project, the capacity of the water supply organization will be strengthened, and after the project, Nalaikh district will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure.


  1. Activities aimed at preventing chemical and biological contamination of drinking water at water distribution points (barriers against animals, covering the area, disinfection of the tank, etc.)
  2. Improve the safety of citizens and the working environment of water distributors (insulation of the distribution point and solar lighting of infrastructures)
  3. Training and information for citizens on water safety (discussion groups, awareness campaigns, encouraging the use of healthy containers, etc.)
  4. Provide water safety training to water sector managers through training courses

The beneficiaries

5,920 citizens will benefit from a healthy and secure water point

407 citizens will be made aware

60 government officials will be trained in infrastructure management and water security