Contributing to the promotion of renewable energies to improve children’s educational conditions
Number of beneficiaries: 100 young people, 6,000 students, 40 schools, 5 health posts
Project duration: 2024/2027 – 4 years
Place: Niayes area
Project financed under a framework agreement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Local partner
Jeunesse Et Développement (JED) / Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du Sénégal (EEDS) is a development NGO created in 1936, and established in all regions of Senegal, inspired by Scouting values, at the service of young people and the community. Its mission is to contribute to improving the quality of life of populations, mainly in the areas of health, education, socio-economic integration, and the environment, in particular by preparing young people for their role as active and responsible citizens in synergy with the Scouts and Scouts of Senegal. Its areas of intervention are as follows: youth education, health, citizen participation, the living environment of vulnerable groups, environmental protection, hygiene, water and sanitation, training, and microcredit.
Senegal is seeking to exploit its solar potential to take part in the “renewable energy” approach enacted by ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States). Energy is a driver of development and reduction of inequalities; its accessibility is therefore a major issue. The Niayes area has good climatic conditions allowing easy access to solar energy in order to improve the living conditions of the populations. This area being very agricultural, the need for electrification and pumping is great.
The mission
This project aims to expand the supply of solar technician labor for better access to these energies in order to improve the living conditions of the populations and to support farmers towards an ecological transition.
-Train young people in electricity and solar energy.
-Create a pilot ecological farm with a demonstration purpose.
-Establish a professional integration process for young people through the development of partnerships with companies.
-Install solar kits to compensate for power cuts and the lack of public lighting.
-Raising public awareness of the challenges of renewable energies.
100 young people, 6,000 students, 250 families, 10 villages, 10,000 people, 15 family farms, 40 schools equipped with solar energy and 5 health posts.