Reducing the vulnerability of the Yampara population to the effects of climate change

Status: Completed | Number of beneficiaries: 16,944 people

Duration: 2018/2023, 5 years

Location: Municipality of Tarabuco, Department of Chuquisaca, Bolivia

Local partner

Sumaj Punchay created in 2001 is a non-profit NGO that has more than 10 years of experience in the implementation of climate change adaptation projects through the management of water resources, family farming, strengthening capacities of indigenous men and women living in rural areas.

The problem

The deterioration of the production systems of rural families, caused by climate change it’s consequences (drought, hail st(rms, frosts, heavy rains, floods and floods, etc.), threatens food security and exposes women to the problems like inequality, especially those from rural areas, as is the case in the municipality of Tarabuco.

With very high levels of vulnerability to food insecurity and equally high poverty indices, the resulting vulnerability situation is very high in Tarabuco, leading to strong migratory movement particularly of young men and women, who are looking for alternative livelihoods, leaving behind the most vulnerable people in the community (children, women and the elderly). As a result, women must assume responsibilities in the community, a role they are not used to (this represents a challenge for them), placing them in a situation of greater vulnerability.

With climate change, the frequency of episodes of crisis is increasing, so people do not have time to recover before a new episode occurs, making them more and more vulnerable. It seems impossible to avoid this situation, we can, however ensure that people and their communities develop capacities to increase their resilience.



Objectives/Activities carried out

General Objective: To reduce climate change vulnerability in the municipality of Tarabuco

Specific Objective: To strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacity of Yampara families to the effects of climate change and strengthen risk management at the municipal level as a climate change adaptation measure in the municipality of Tarabuco

  • Construction of irrigation systems, development of planting and harvesting techniques, reforestation of areas where aquifer recharge is occurring
  • Creation of vegetable gardens allowing the production of organic vegetables, associated with agroforestry
  • Awareness-raising workshops on the effects of climate change and adaptation measures in schools
  • Improving food habits and food security through training workshops for women
  • Strengthening the production, marketing and adaptation capacities of the men and women of Tarabuco municipality: training on the topics of marketing and marketing, management of certification of organic production, participation in municipal fairs for marketing and the exhibition of products labeled / certified organic production
  • Developing a Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change and for Disaster Risk Reduction

The beneficiaries

The Beneficiaries are the inhabitants of the municipality of Tarabuco which counts:

8,653 Women
8,291 Men
Total: 16,944
2,600 trained students