Electrification of schools in the Thies region and improved learning conditions for children

Number of beneficiaries : 10,000 students

Project duration : 2020/2023, 4 years

Place : Region of Dakar, Senegal

Project funded by Framework Agreement by the Grand Duchy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg

Project summary

Local partner

Youth and Development (JED) / Scouts and Girl Scouts of Senegal (EEDS) is a development NGO founded in 1936 and located in all regions of Senegal, inspired by Scout values, serving youth and the community. Its mission is to contribute to improving the quality of life of people, mainly in the field of health, education, socioeconomic integration and the environment, in particular by preparing young people for their role as active and responsible citizens in synergy with the Girl Scouts of Senegal.


In the Thiès region, a large number of educational structures do not have access to electricity. This situation at school level does not contribute to the development of children and affects their academic performance. Indeed, there has been a worrying drop in the level of pupils in recent years. Added to this is the lack of interaction between parents, often themselves illiterate, and the school. However, the parents constitute important resources and must be involved in the management of schools for the well-being of their children.

The mission

The project aims to contribute, for the children of the region, to access to better education with good learning conditions through the provision of quality service packages, including the electrification of schools, which will allow the maintenance of students and improving their academic performance.


  • Identification of schools and needy families
  • Equipment for schools and families in solar power streetlights
  • Training of youth and student maintenance of solar equipment
  • Redevelopment of schools: play areas, boundary walls, reforestation…
  • Development of an educational building program for struggling students
  • Registration of children in civil status
  • Awareness of the beneficiary communities, parents of students and local authorities for the maintenance of school facilities and the retention of students in school, setting up of management committees in schools
  • Organization of local and national meetings on the elementary education sector


10,000 students in the region of Thies, 60 schools, 80,000 parents of students, 7,500 stakeholders in the education sector

BILLLULL / IBAN : LU81 0021 1689 1320 2200


Personal Info

Donation Total: 100,00€