Schooling for disadvantaged children and support for their parents

Number of beneficiaries: 120 children and 105 families

Project duration: 2024/2027 – 4 years

Place: Ambohimena district, City of Antsirabe, Vakinankaratra region

Project financed under a framework agreement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Local partner

The Ikoriantsoa association was born in 2016 from the cooperation of Ikoriantsoa France and Ikoriantsoa Antsirabe. It works in the region of Vakinankaratra in the field of child protection. It aims to ensure that the basic needs of disadvantaged children in the municipality of Antsirabe are taken into account, to support their physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual and social development in order to preserve their health, safety, morality, and above all their education.

The activities of Ikoriantsoa consist mainly in taking charge of the schooling of disadvantaged children and young people, offering them a school canteen, and helping their parents in the development of income-generating activities.


In Madagascar, 80% of the population lives in poverty. This economic weakness leads to vulnerability and high food insecurity. Due to child malnutrition, 47% of children under 5 are stunted. In addition, the city of Antsirabe is faced with the problem of child protection, three out of four children being left to survive on their own. It is essential to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of these families by ensuring the schooling and protection of these children, but also access to profitable economic opportunities for the parents.

The mission

This project aims to improve the living conditions of school children at the Ikoriantsoa school and their parents through access to education and professional integration.


-Improve the educational offer of the school through the training of educational staff.

-Provide nutritious meals in the canteen to combat childhood malnutrition.

-Train and support parents, especially women, in the creation and development of income-generating activities.

-Put in place social safety nets to support families.

– Set up a production unit for concentrated animal feed and a kiosk for the sale of chickens.


120 children (between 4 and 12 years old) and 105 families